Tuesday, May 31, 2011

eight months

Eight Months! NO say it ain't so! Henry is growing so fast and all I want him to do is stay my little baby forever. I'll admit though, every month that goes by Henry becomes that much more fun to be with. Month seven we didn't see too many new milestones, more perfecting everything he had been doing in the months leading up to month seven. Then month eight came around and we saw his first crawl steps, which lead to his first head bump! Oh Henry!  Henry has become so hilarious, he keeps me laughing all day.  Example: The other night it was nearing bedtime so I tucked Henry in and left the room. He wasn't having it and after five minutes of crying I went in to console him, as soon as I walked in the room Henry started the whole putting his blanket over his head so I would say, "Where's Henry?"  and then pull the blanket off and laugh at me, I couldn't stop laughing along with him. It was over the top cute.  Henry is also so curious and active. There is no downtime with him it's always " Go! Go! Go!"
             Today it was almost ninety out and we had plans to go to the beach but car trouble kept us from doing that.  So to beat the heat I filled up one of my storage bins and Henry splashed around, he loved it for about ten minutes until he figured out how to stand up in it and then he just kept trying to escape, no matter how many times I sat him back down in the water. So there is no happy medium with Henry energy is high everyday and so that is why when it's Henry's bedtime I try to get to bed just as soon as he does, because I know my whole day is filled with a constant ball of energy. Not complaining, I love my little babe.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


So it's my weekend off and Saturday started bright and early with Henry waking up before seven. I try my best to get him to go back to sleep for one extra hour at least but some mornings he just won't have it and will let me know he wants me to wake up. He sticks his hands all up in my face and gives me swift kicks with his little feet! Oh Henry! So I had read about a rummage sale going on about five minutes from me so since we were up pretty early Henry and I decided to check it out. We found a couple things but nothing that I was super excited about. Oh well. We ran to the grocery store and then home.  It was only 1:00pm, and my dad called asking if I wanted to go watch the salt potato eating contest that was happening down in the middle of our town. Of course I wanted to, so since it was raining Gangy volunteered to watch Henry so I could experience the joys of my first  food eating contest. Can you say fun?! The announcer was corny with his jokes but they were still funny, and it was hilarious to watch people shove potatoes in their mouth for ten minutes. It was a close race but Joey Chestnut, Nathan's hot dog world eating champ won. Back at Gangy's Henry was being a little cranky pants so I thought it best to get him home and to bed, where he promptly fell asleep playing with his toys. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

seven months

Wow my baby is becoming a little man and I'm not kidding he hardly resembles that small little babe who used to weigh 7lbs! He weighs sixteen pounds and is measuring 26inches. He's not up there in the 90 percentile but I don't care he loves to eat and hes so dang cute. Speaking of eating he loves to eat he has breakfast, lunch, and dinner 40z of food at each serving and oatmeal with some of the jars of food. No teeth yet so I'm hestiant to give him any solid food. I am in no hurry with that anyways. He's still wearing a lot of his 3-6 month clothing with some of the 6-9month throw into the mix as well. He spoke his first word the other day and even though it was exciting I wish it had been mama instead of dadda. Eh, what can you do? He loves his dadda!