Thursday, October 13, 2011

epic fail

I have not posted in so long and so this means I broke my promise of blogging on the regular. I'm back though, and ready to continue my new years resolution. I think the main reason I stopped blogging for awhile was because I was the only follower. If I am the only one reading my own blog what's the point of making the effort to write? I started writing in my journal when I was in first grade and I kept it up all the way up until my beginning years of college. It's awesome to read back and be like "Wow I don't even remember doing that!"  So you know what who cares if no one reads my blog, it will be nice to just read back on this years from now with Henry and be able to tell him about all the fun things we did. I am going to make more of an effort to get my blog out there because after being a blog reader for over a year and all the friends and opportunities there are, why wouldn't I want to do it?